
“I took Sydney’s Reiki Level 1 Class at the persistence of my friend who said I was a natural. I really didn’t know anything about it nor was I even sure I wanted to do it. During the class Sydney explained to us that this is a healing method that needs to be respected, practiced and lived. It takes a commitment to rise above and see things differently. It takes a desire to help oneself and one another. That hit me. I understood now that Reiki was an unselfish act yet fulfilling. The class was straight forward. Sydney has such patience and you can tell she and Peggy take what they do very seriously. Yet Sydney made sure there was time for laughter. The Attunement was, well the best word I could use is Euphoric. I went home feeling I had just learned a whole new way of living. I was eager to start my new path. My dog Daisy was my first recipient. Daisy has digestive problems and takes daily medications. I gave the Reiki as instructed. My hands became very warm, my arms very light. Daisy looked at me, let out a loud sigh and laid down, very relaxed. It has been a month. No more tummy issues for my Daisy!!. She is one happy pup! I also give myself Reiki. Im still learning, but my sleep is better and my right knee does not hurt anymore. I would highly recommend taking Reiki 1 for yourself and I would highly recommend taking it from Sydney. I will take Reiki 2 when she lets me LOL”. 
