You Are Not Alone
Our Loved Ones Are Here…You’re Just Not Listening
Acclaimed Connecticut Author, Sydney Sherman, is continuing her successful book tour and speaking forums throughout the U.S sharing her life experiences and book, “You Are Not Alone: Our Loved Ones Are Here…You’re Just Not Listening”. Ms. Sherman encourages all of us to consider the possibilities of connecting to the other side.
Frustrated with media sensationalism and misinformation about the afterlife, Sydney decided to delve into the intriguing subject of Life After Death. This interest was fostered by the very close relationship she had with her paternal grandfather. Following a natural approach to life and death, based on his Penobscot roots, her grandfather imparted his knowledge of Universal Life and the fundamental part the Universe plays in all of us. Sydney’s path was to continue to uncover the truth and her first book, “You “Are Not Alone“ is part of her goal to provide clarity and understanding.
“The atoms of our bodies are traceable to stars that manufactured them in their cores and exploded these enriched ingredients across our galaxy, billions of years ago. For this reason, we are biologically connected to every other living thing in the world. We are chemically connected to all molecules on Earth. And we are atomically connected to all atoms in the universe. We are not figuratively, but literally stardust.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
Sydney’s thirst for a greater understanding led her to become well-versed in the laws of nature and the study of “Thanatology” (Or the after life).
“You Are Not Alone“ approaches the subject of life after death with a healthy dose of common sense, science and encourages rational skepticism. The author looks at why and what we believe about death and the afterlife. Her book draws distinctions between myths and the paranormal and recounts numerous experiences with spirits. She offers hints to avoid falling prey to the frauds in the paranormal field. The author educates readers on how they too can continue their relationship with their loved ones. With step by step advice, Sherman encourages people to think about the potential this knowledge holds for all of us. Sydney hopes readers will come to the same understanding —they are not gone; they are still very much here with us….we just need to start listening. Sydney Sherman believes we are meant to share the advantage of contact with our loved ones. With her book and speaking engagements, thousands have learn how to connect and benefit from the guidance and protection of their own loved ones.

Gifted Innocence: A Parents Guide for Spiritually Gifted Children
Acclaimed Connecticut Author, Sydney Sherman, is continuing her successful book tour and speaking forums throughout the U.S sharing her life experiences and 2nd book, “Gifted Innocence, A Parents Guide for Spiritually Gifted Children”
From the success of her first book “You Are Not Alone, Our Loved Ones Are here..You’re Just Not listening’, Ms. Sherman has authored her second book which guides parents to understand the many different traits and characteristics identified in gifted children.
As a young child, Sydney was aware of the energies that surrounded her everyday. This was normal part of her daily life. As normal as breathing. To help her understand, she received guidance from her grandfather who himself was aware of the many things that appear to be unseen to others, yet were within his plain sight.
Sydney was a normal child, In fact there was nothing outwardly different from her and the other children she played with. However, she knew she was different. Being the 60’s, she was reminded to refrain from discussing the many energies that filled her days with other people. She was told it was a secret. And that other people would not understand.
Even with all the guidance and reassurance offered by her grandfather and parents, Sydney became reserved. She preferred to be alone and hated her difference.
As Sydney grew, so did her understanding of her “Gift”. It wasn’t a gift at all. She was not different. And in fact, anyone could see what her eyes saw and her ears heard. They just needed to know what she knew.
Sydney set out to help others understand that this “difference” was really not a difference at all. Through her work with adults in helping them come to a greater understanding of energies and how to learn to use their “Gift”, she had the opportunity to see many children who were experiencing this very natural phenomena who could neither tell a parent out of fear or disbelief or were just plain scared. They lacked the knowledge that Sydney was given at such an early age. So she turned her attention to the children.
What she learned was children who already had the ability to use their senses as intended demonstrate traits and characteristics throughout the stages in their life different than that of a child who had not yet had these experiences.
“Gifted Innocence” was written to help parents recognize these traits. To learn how to listen without judgement. How to begin an open discussion with their child to relieve any fear. How to know when to step back and when to step in. This book also guide a parent into how to deal with their own personal feelings or beliefs which may hinder their ability to help their child. “Gifted Innocence” can also help an adult understand many things they experienced as a child and bring them closure.
With her books and speaking engagements, thousands have learn how to understand the many benefits of identifying ones own special gift.
**Following the release of “Gifted Innocence”, Ms. Sherman authored her 3rd book for children entitled “My Gifted Innocence, My Secret Gift, My Spirit Friends“.

This book allows children to tell their stories, draw pictures of what the see in a fun and natural way. It is also a good resource for a parent to start the conversation with their child or for the child to identify what they are experiencing. Open communication without leading questions allows for the best outcome.
“If we experienced life through the eyes of a child, everything would be magical and extraordinary. Let our curiosity, adventure and wonder of life never end”. Akiane Kramarik

Acclaimed Connecticut Author, Sydney Sherman, is continuing her successful book tour and speaking forums throughout the U.S. sharing her life experiences, seminars and workshops. Off of the Popular events based on her first book, You Are Not Alone: Our Loved Ones Are Here…You’re Just Not Listening, Ms. Sherman has incorporated several new educational events and workshops which continue to encourage others to understand the gifts we all share. A natural gift that connects us to each other and to other energies that surround us. These events have gained in popularity and are widely attended.
“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” Lao Tzu
“Understanding Your Senses” Is a presentation based upon Ms. Sherman very popular workshops in which she discusses the many ways in which anyone can learn to use their senses i.e.: smelling, hearing, seeing and feeling to connect to their loved ones. Ms. Sherman starts with a very detailed explanation of how each sense works, how it can be tricked, how to use each effectively and how to encourage a spiritual interaction with your love one. Ms. Sherman provides step by step demonstrations for each sense and interacts with the audience to allow them the opportunity to feel how these techniques work under the guidance of Ms. Sherman.

Acclaimed Connecticut Author, Sydney Sherman, is continuing her successful book tour and speaking forums throughout the U.S. sharing her life experiences, seminars and workshops. Off of the Popular events based on her first book, You Are Not Alone: Our Loved Ones Are Here…You’re Just Not Listening. Ms. Sherman has incorporated several new educational events and workshops relating to the discussion of encouraging Universal Energy, Aura awareness, spiritual energy and how to understand and heal our own bodies. These events have gained in popularity and are widely attended. Ms. Sherman continues to encourage all of us to consider the possibilities of what we are capable of when connecting to our Life force.
“Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
“Understanding Your Aura” Is a presentation based upon Ms. Sherman very popular workshop in which she discusses how important our aura is in everything we do. There has been much misinformation about what an Aura is and how it works. Ms. Sherman has spent many years researching the very scientific and biological nature of auras and how they effect us. Using her own abilities identified as a child, Ms. Sherman has gained a greater understanding of how valuable and powerful knowledge of our energy is for us in our daily life and how knowing about your personal aura can change your life drastically. During this presentation, Ms. Sherman will discuss in depth the study of Auras and what they are. How our educational systems have not provided us with the most simplest explanations of our biological energy and why this very important topic has been left off of most curriculum’s in the United States. Sydney will identify the different colors of auras and what distinct personality traits/characteristics are seen with these colors. How your aura color identifies illnesses, stress, emotional disturbances…even cancer. How other energies can effect your aura negatively or positively, How you can protect your aura and how to see auras. This presentation is very audience- interactive and demonstrations are provided throughout.