NEW FOR 2025!
I KNOW I’M EXCITED!!! I promised myself 2025 would be all about science, energy and healing. SO naturally, this would be the next step. The combo of Tarot and Aura to me is such a natural progression. SO LET’S DO THIS! Hope you are excited too. During this session you will learn about the original Tarot method (Egyptian). Your Aura color will be identified and we will discuss how it can effect the information received in the Tarot cards. To have a successful session requires using YOUR intuition and YOUR desire for intention setting. SO in order to make you successful we will use ALL the energy sources around you…..including your passed loved ones. (No this is not a reading, but they will be involved). The Tarot session will cover your past, present and future. Knowing your Aura color will help guide you into understanding the “why’s” of you past and how to ensure a positive outcome for the future.
These are 60 min sessions. $90.00 Payment is required prior to session. You can pay here
(PS YES, these sessions can be in-person OR virtual)
All the information you need to make the right choice on which event is best for you.
“You are Not Alone”
Book Presentation.
Acclaimed Metaphysical Author, Sydney Sherman, is continuing her successful book tour and speaking forums throughout the country sharing her life experiences and book, You Are Not Alone: Our Loved Ones Are Here…You’re Just Not Listening.
During this time of COVID-19, her presentations and book have provided many with the emotional strength to endure many losses. From families who have lost loved ones, to front line staff and even those in hospice care, having a realistic conversation about death and the afterlife is not “taboo” during this time but absolutely necessary.
The book goes beyond a simple biographical story of young woman frustrated with media sensationalism and misinformation about the afterlife. From a young age Sydney was aware of the scientific rational for Life after Death. Her grandfather, a Penobscot Indian, would tell her of his belief about Universal Life and Universal Energy.– that the two were one. And that at death we return back to our original form. Death is not an end. So Sydney began educating herself about the laws of nature and energy. She learned the biological balance and transition all living beings take throughout their life’s journey. And what she found was incredible. “You Are Not Alone” is part of her goal to provide the same clarity and understanding of the After Life that she uncovered and to help others know the truth. WE DO NOT DIE.
“You Are Not Alone” approaches the science of death or dying with a healthy dose of common sense and encourages rational skepticism. The author looks at why and what we believe about the afterlife. Her book draws distinctions between myths and the paranormal and recounts numerous experiences with energies. She offers hints to avoid falling prey to the frauds in the paranormal field. The author educates readers on how they too can continue their relationship with their loved ones. With step- by –step advice, Sherman encourages people to think about the potential this information holds for all of us. Sydney hopes readers will come to the same understanding —they are not gone; they are still very much here with us….we just need to start listening.
With her books and speaking engagements, thousands have learned how to connect and benefit from the guidance and protection of their own loved ones.
Author Sydney Sherman grew up in a small town in Connecticut in the 60’s. Ms. Sherman shares her experiences at various speaking opportunities.
Sherman has intrigued audiences with her personal knowledge of energy. The scientific rationality she brings to the discussion of the afterlife has led to being featured in numerous news articles, magazines as well many appearances for TV and radio.
For anyone who has ever wondered about what happens after death, Sydney Sherman and her book are a must. Library Program approximately 2 hour in length with Q&A.
WorkShops/Library Events.
***“Understanding Your Senses” Workshop/Library Event.
This very popular presentation focuses on the many ways participants can learn to use their senses, i.e. smell, hearing, sight and touch to connect with their loved ones. The presentation progresses from a very detailed explanation of the “how” our loved ones are still here and explores how we can tune-in to their presence and communicate with them after they have died. The study of Thanatology, or the afterlife, offers scientific approaches to how each sense works, and how we can be taught to pick up the clues from the afterlife. Participants are given step-by-step instructions and demonstrations for each sense. Library Program approximately 2 hour in length with Q&A.
“Understanding Your Aura” Workshop/Library Event.
***The Aura Presentation may be booked as multiple session or as a combined overview of each.
Understanding Your Aura (Part 1).
What is an aura? And more importantly how can knowing your aura improve your life? This guided presentation gets to the core of the importance of our aura. Sydney Sherman discusses the study of auras, and how knowing details about your personal aura can drastically change your life. She will identify the different colors of auras and explain what distinct personality traits and characteristics can be attributed to these colors. How can your aura color identify illnesses, stress, emotional disturbances … even cancer? How can the energies from others affect your aura negatively or positively? How you can protect your aura and even see auras in others. This presentation is jam packed with information and very interactive. Library Program approximately 2 hour in length with Q&A.
Understanding Aura’s (Part 2) “Life Colors.”
We interact with other peoples auras daily–be it at work, school, social gatherings and even home. But is everyone’s aura the same? Can the people I am closest too interfere with how I feel and think? Can situations, places and events directly effect me negatively or positively? In this interactive presentation Sydney discusses “Life colors. People who have aura colors in the hue of Blue or Violet. Sydney Sherman identifies the characteristics, mannerisms and traits associated with these aura’s. Blues and Violets are a smaller percentage of the population and although they have traits and characteristics different from each other they have many similarities. They also “feel” things differently than the other colors of the spectrum know as “Earth Tone” and are effected differently as well. She will discuss these differences and how to make the most out of your color. The people that a Blue or Violet associates with, the type of career they choose, their relationships with spouses/partners are all predetermined by their color. Certain types of Illness and Disease are also identified more in “Life Colors” than their counterpart “Earth tones. And knowing these predisposed traits and the steps you an take before hand can help you avoid them all together or decrease their severity. Library Program approximately 2 hour in length with Q&A.
Understanding Aura’s (Part 3) “Earth Tone Colors.”
As discussed in the first two presentations “Understanding Your Aura” and “Understanding Aura’s (Part 2) “Life Colors,” Everyone has a unique aura that tells a story about who they are. Choices such as – what type of relationships and careers they are drawn to, where they live, their style of clothing, music and much more. Earth Tone colors also have traits and characteristic that different from one color to another, and they are the largest segment of the population.
Ex: A Green aura is a very strong- minded person. Stubborn, ego driven, self absorbed, cunning and very clever. They tend to have few friends or acquaintance as they prefer and enjoy alone time. They are always in or striving for positions of power in their career choice. They are at higher risk of heart and gut issues. In contrast: A Yellow Aura is very laid back. They tend to be noncommittal and scattered in everything they do. Even what to have for dinner. They prefer to not be the “decision maker” in any situation and are very happy to allow others to make decisions for them. They have a hard time finding just the right career that suits them. They like being around a lot of people and enjoy being creative. They are at high risk of autoimmune disorder such as Lupus and RA and may suffer from anxiety and depression.
Sydney will discuss the different auras associated with “Earth Tone” colors and provide ways to use these color to benefit you and help you make the best choices for your health and your life. Library Program approximately 2 hour in length with Q&A.
“The Transition.”
Library Program
The question of what truly happens to our body at the exact moment of death has puzzled many for centuries. Yet, it has largely gone unanswered. This presentation takes a biological look at the many changes that occur in our bodies and minds prior to, and at the moment of, death. These changes occur with everyone no matter the cause of death. The process is divided into three phases: preparation, the actual death, and lastly their transition to a new form. These three steps can often be seen by others as they occur and can help loved ones prepare themselves for their death. But most importantly it allows friends and loved ones to be a part of the natural process and find peace and healing. Library Program approximately 2 hour in length with Q&A.
FOR 2022!
“My Angels Around Me”–
Library Event
Based upon my second book “Gifted Innocence”
Have you ever noticed your child or grandchild reach out to someone who was not there? Or to be seemingly having conversations with someone yet they were alone in a room? Or maybe you remember experiences such as this when you were a child? Could it be an imaginary friend? Maybe. OR Maybe your child is having a very real interaction with a loved one.
All Children have a heightened sensory awareness. They are free from the biases or mundane things that constantly vie for our attention. They see things for as they are. No curtains or false illusions. To children, these loved ones are as real as they are. And they are correct!
They may not know the name or relationship of the person they are seeing….but that does not matter. They are not scared as there is nothing for them to fear. They only fear them when they are told they should. They are a friend….a friend that provides them with comfort. Even makes them laugh.
Children feel free to talk to them or point in their direction. Even lift their arms up as in a gesture to be picked up. They do this freely as they feel that everyone can see them.
They will point to pictures in photo albums even say the name of someone they could never have known…..yet, they do.
ALL of us have had the opportunity to experience this as a child. However, what children are told to believe can lead to them becoming fearful, embarrassment and even send them down the road of disbelief.
Children demonstrate very unique tendencies/behaviors based on their age. Understanding what you are seeing and how to best handle these moments are extremely important for the overall health and well-being of your child.
How you handle the situation is key to a child’s overall well-being.
So first YOU need to learn how to recognize these very obvious traits and how to prepare yourself so you can better assist your child with their journey.
We will discuss the traits, characteristics demonstrated by children at each stage of development. The circle of trust that needs to be established. How to address their questions, and when not to lead… but listen. Library Program approximately 2 hours in length with Q&A.
The History of Reiki –
Healing ourselves from the inside out–
NEW!! Library Presentation
Reiki (Rei-Ki) is the use of Universal light to heal the bodies energy. Many cultures have used different forms of healing through the “Laying of hands.” For Asian cultures, Reiki was the only form of healing most people recieved for anything from an ingrown toenail, to heart issues and even emotional/psychological illnesses.
The Western medical community brushed off the power of Reiki healing as witchcraft and even quackery. However, Reiki is now accepted and used widely throughout the world and is seen as a legitimate and powerful way to treat the whole body (Holistic).
Specialized Reiki training takes many years and each student depending on level ompleted recieves certification from their Sensei (Master/Teacher)
But through Reiki’s history we know that everyone has the “Reiki” in them and can therefore benefit from learning about it and how to use it in their personal life. This is not a Reiki Level Class but will offer all the information necessary for patrons to have an indepth understanding of its history and its use.
Presentation has been adapted for ZOOM format. Program is approx 1.5 hrs (with Q&A).
Don’t make the same mistakes twice!
Chakra Healing Stones:
“Got Stones?”
Post Mortem Photography”
The story in front of the lens…...
Past Life Regression-
Reliving the past can heal you.
Reincarnation vs Past Life Regression. Did you know it does not have to be either/or? Both can reflect the following: A feeling or deep connection with certain places. Recognizing people, you could never had met before. What draws you to a Soulmate. Physical ailments you have, which you may have also experienced in a past life. Repeated dreams, unresolved emotions which have carried through into this lifetime, Fears or beliefs which you have been unable to explain yet feel very real. The science is there to support both. So, let’s talk about it
NEW FOR 2023!!
This program offers a different portrayal of events than what is sensationalized through numerous books, TV and movies. It uncovers some unknown facts about this very sad case. And Emily Rose is not the only one.
This program was highly requested. For as much as we miss a loved one when they die, the loss of a pet is just as devastating, but learning to cope with that loss is not as widely discussed. This program goes beyond psychological healing but helps the attendee learn to cope through daily interactions with their beloved pet.
What’s not to LOVE about this program. I mean we were all children once right? Children are blessed with having a greater insight and acceptance of what they see as normal. ALL of us have had experiences with spirits/energies of the deceased as a child, even though we may not rememeber them. You MAY have even experience your own children and grandchildren doing “odd” things, Usually explained away as an “imaginary friend.” But is it?
I have a few more programs in the works for 2023 but don’t forget to check out ALL the other programs I have offered that have been well accepted by patrons and libraries for years.
Email questions to
Please visit my page on the NEW CLC website to see what other libraries have to say
“The History of Halloween”
NEW!!!!!! – Library Presentation
Many people are unaware of the history of Halloween, its cultutal significance and WHY we celebrate it the way we do. Halloween is more than just about ghosts, goblins, skeletons and witches…..Although….ALL of these do have a very REAL place in our history and some very tall tales and facts which have made them as scary and exciting as they are. This presentation will be just enough “BOO” and a little bit of “AHH.”
“You Are Not Alone”
Christmas Edition
Missing a Loved one during the Holidays? Why settle for just memories! NEW..Library Presentation
The loss of a loved one is felt everyday of the year. And its hard. But holidays tend to make it even harder. Even unbearable.
But does it have to be? Based upon my first book “You Are Not Alone” and my numerous workshops, I have learn that coping is different for everyone. But what most peope have in common is the deep feelings of loss and family during the holiday season. When people have the knowledge of what comes after this life, the new form their loved ones take, the reason they are here and how each of us can connect with them….it does help.
This presentation will focus on all of that. Step by step with easy and scientific explanantions for how it all works. Most people do not realize how special holidays and celebrations invoke responses from our loved ones. And if recognize, offer a much needed comfort.
We will discuss how items our loved ones used for a special holiday, or their favorite dish, a song, a silly joke or phrase, even an extra chair and place settings may be all you need to start the connection. And there is no better gift than that.
This presentation is audience interactive, Approximately 1.5 hours with Q&A.
Reiki 1: Practice and Principles Certification Class.
Reiki has been traditionally practiced in the Japanese culture as a form of healing, balancing and bringing well-being to a person. The Western culture although not giving any credibility to this practice has now started to understand the power that Reiki provides.
Dr. Usui, the founder of Reiki, knew very well the benefits of the universal energy with our energy and the connection to each other.
He used this knowledge to form the first class for Reiki 1, Principles and practice.
Reiki can now be found in many medical establishment as a useful tool in healing and balancing the body and mind. Such as labor and delivery, hospice, intensive care, pain clinics and even psychiatric facilities to alleviate anxiety, depression, mood and sleep disorders.
This class will teach the principles of Reiki and how to provide Reiki on oneself and family/friends. At the end of the class each participant will receive an attunement and be considered a Reiki level 1 practitioner.
The class is $150 and includes training material, attunement and certificate. Requires the purchase of text book.
This will be a small class for no more than eight people. Namaste.
Reiki 2: Meditation and Balance.
This class is for anyone looking to learn more about Reiki in your everyday life. Once attuned as a Level 2 Practitioner you are able to begin practicing Reiki as a business and accept clients for a fee. Reiki 2 is about Balancing ones own life and energy to better bring balance to the people they are healing. Learning to heal others requires protection of ones own energy. This is the staple of any Level 2 program. You will learn how to use stones and a pendulum to detect energy, direct the flow and maintain a harmonious balance between the client and yourself. At the end of the class each participant will receive an attunement and be considered a Reiki level 2 practitioner.
The class is $200 and includes training material (Unless already recieved in Reiki 1) attunement and certificate. Requires the purchase of text book.
This will be a small class of no more than eight people. Acceptance to this class requires successful completion of the Dr. Usui Reiki level 1 program. Sensei/Master will determine appropriateness for each person individually. Namaste.
Reiki 3: Master/Teacher Certification.
This class is to prepare a Reiki 2 Practitioner to take on the role of Master/Teacher (Sensei). It focuses on preparing the participant for a life of study and development in the use of hands-on Universal light healing. This preparation and commitment will ensure a productive and successful transition as you learn to provide the knowledge and the history of Reiki to your students. This passing of of knowledge is honorable and a source of great pride and should not be taken lightly. You will learn how to develop your own classes, How to provide Attunements, The Master symbol and Legal and Ethical considerations. You will receive your Masters Attunement after the class along with your Certification. Class is $300 and requires the purchase of textbook. Namaste.
Hands on and Distance Healing.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well being. Many have reported miraculous results. $100 Initial treatment. $60 follow up treatments. Sessions are between 45 mins to 60 mins.
Distance Reiki is now Available due to COVID. You will receive the same healing benefits of an in-person session in the comfort and safety of your home. 1 hour session starting from $50 and up!
Self Awareness.
Aura Consultations.
Ever wonder what your Aura has to say about you? Or what it can tell you about your health?
Your Aura is like a thumbprint. It is biologically you, so it can tell a lot about your likes and dislikes. Why you feel the way you do around certain places, people and situations? People who are in the Life Color family of Aura’s (Blues and Violets) have an innate trait which can cause anxiety, depression, mood disorders, drug dependency and other psychological diagnosis. As well, Cancers, heart disease, Diabetes and Stroke can all be linked to an Aura Color.
Receive your Aura color, health/stress assessment, self-care treatments, health color and Aura colors to avoid
$100 for session. 1 to 1.5 hours.
Aura Consultations are now available on ZOOM.
Afterlife 101
Have a question about what happens after a loved one dies? Have you experience what could be a connection with a passed loved one? Questions on Reincarnation? Past life regressions? How to connect? Or maybe you are just looking for some guidance and support. I’m here for you! These sessions are meant to be an opportunity for you to have an open forum and be done vis phone or ZOOM. Fee is based upon time. $50 for the first 45mins. $15 for each additional 15 mins.