“We are part of this Universe. We are in this Universe. But more important than both of those facts, is that THE UNIVERSE is in us.”…(Neil deGrasse Tyson)
About the Author
“We should not lose sight of the extraordinary possibilities of extending our relationships beyond death.” (Sydney Sherman).
Sydney Sherman has more than four decades of educating others. She is a rational voice in a sea of false claims and paranormal nonsense. Her hope is that each of us can determine the reality of the afterlife in a rational and scientific way.
Since childhood, Sydney has had an awareness of the energies around her and others. This unique understanding was fostered with the help of her paternal grandfather, a Penobscot Indian, who also had similar experiences. Natural sciences and knowledge of a shared universal existence was a way of life for him, and he instilled this belief in Sydney.
Always intrigued by science, Sydney began studying the philosophy of life and death, the clinical and biological manifestations that present during both processes. Her carefully etched research as well as her own personal experiences along with the guidance from her grandfather cemented her belief that: we do not die.
Of the many well documented theories Sydney feels is proof of the existence of an afterlife is one she believes explains it all. She is not alone in her belief. In 1907 Albert Einstein presented the Law of Conservation of Energy to the world: “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, although it can be changed from one form to another.”
At the same time other scientists were studying the foundation of life, our life, biological life. Their findings? To live, thrive, reproduce and die requires energy. Therefore, we are energy. So, what happens after we die? Simply, to Sydney and many others:
- We are energy.
- Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
- Our energy has been here since the beginning of time.
- Our energy changes and we lose our physical form.
- Our energy is not destroyed so what makes us who we are remains.
- We do not die.
This is not new information. It has been well documented in many resources for many years – including the Bible. So why is it not well known? Why all the secrecy? Some notable scientific, religious and political figures believe people would not be able to handle this information. But what it unlocks is not just about our life after death but it is also about our life during our lifetime. What we are capable of and how much we can do. For some, this information is too powerful and should be withheld. That’s where Sydney Sherman can provide answers and offer solutions, guidance and comfort.
Sydney Sherman has fought for years to separate her message from those of the paranormal shows on TV and the fun of the Halloween jesters. Her message is one that needs to be heard year-round and not for entertainment purposes.
This is why Sydney has been a leading force in providing other a concrete, scientific-based way of thinking. This very scientific explanation demonstrates death is not the end of life. It’s a different way of life, but everyone is still here, and capable of taking part in the daily lives and events of their family and loved ones – not removed from us as most are taught.
As a career registered nurse, Sydney has witnessed death and the dying process through her work. The act of dying may differ from person to person or manner of death, however, the actual transition from our physical form to our natural form of energy is the same for everyone. The study of life after death (or the transition) is called Thanatology and it is a well-documented field of study. Sydney’s mission is to promote a greater understanding and demystification of death, offer the necessary information people need to comprehend death, and provide proof that life does not end with death.
Sydney’s goal – the message of her books – is to deliver clarity, an enhanced level of understanding of the afterlife as well as the energies (Auras) around people, and a realization of what’s in store for all for us when (and after) we die. By helping others experience the special bond with loved ones who have died, she comes full circle in offering others what she has experiences first-hand since she was a child. Through Sydney’s presentations, workshops, classes, and private consultations, people have become more educated, successful, and grounded. They have also gained a sense of inner strength and peace by accepting those special connections around them, each and every day!
Hi Sydney,
Enjoyed your presentation through Zoom / North Branford via Woodbury Library connection. Heidi at the Woodbury Library made the event possible for me…
Truly you hit the points of energy it’s been my belief and scientific experience to know. That’s just how it it is!!!
Hi Tom
I am so sorry for my late reply. It appears I am only getting some of my messages sent through my website. I am glad you enjoyed the program. It truly is so simple and scientific. Please visit my website for more events that you may find of interests. Take Care. Syd
Dear Sydney,
My friend Mary Coe (Fairfield Library) raved about the programs they have done with you. I would be very interested in bringing you to Darien Library -if that is something you would be interested in doing? While there are a variety of topics that you offer, I would also need help selecting the best place to begin.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Pat Sheary
Head of Adult Programming
Darien Library
Good Morning Pat!
I love Mary!. I apologize for the delay in my response to you. It appears that some of my messages were coming through from my site and some were not. My web developer just fixed it and I have 65 messages waiting.
If the opportunty is still available, I would love to do a program for your library. Currently my programs have been in the ZOOM format. Is that still an option. I hope you get this reply. If you could message me back at sydneyshermanauthor@yahoo.com, I would feel more comfortable knowing this error has been completely fixed. Or you can always callm e at 203-393-5176.
Hope to talk soon.
Sydney Sherman
I’ve been searching to find out what happens to our loved ones at the moment of death.
She has explained a lot more and I’m looking forward to reading her book Your Are Not Alone.
I lost my husband in January. It hurts as if it happened yesterday but it seems like it was forty years ago.
I am hoping the this book explains what I need to about death. I hope that it would mend my broken heart even if it would be just a little bit.
Good Morning Azita
First let me start by offering my condolences to the loss of your husband. I hope I can provide you some comfort. I received the order for your book. It will go out on Tuesday. I also have many free ZOOM presentations coming up that can help you as well. Especially Sept 13 at 6:30 pm which is a program entitled “The Transistion.” This requires registration through the libary. The link is on my webpage under the events tab. Also on Sept 30 at 5pm I have another zoom based on the book you purchased entitled “You are not alone” This will also require registration through the library. These two programs will give you alot of information and help you understand more. After those, your Aura (Energy) would be the next to discuss as it is your energy that you will use to connect to your husband. I will do everything I can to help you through this time. Namaste Sydney.
I very much enjoyed your zoom via Wethersfield library. It opened my eyes a lot. However, I don’t understand how your father’s energy is with your brother and not you. Or, your grandmother’s energy is with you and you had a poor relationship with her. Isn’t your loved ones always with you?
Also, I was talking to a loved one with a lot of anger and hurt inside, and at that very moment my power went off in my house and instantly back on. There was no storm and no power outages mentioned in the area. I was extremely cold after that as well. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
Hi Anna
Sorry for my delay
I am glad you enjoyed the presntation.
There are alot of things I do not know….yet 🙂
When it comes to WHO we get once they have passed….that is one of the unknowns. I just know we don’t get everyone AND someone you may get you might not have had the best relationship with them. It happens. As they can share, I would, of course LOVE to have my Grandfather with me…but he is not. Again, I do not have the reason for that. As my father has always said….Something we are not supposed to know or understand until it is are time.
Regarding the conversation you had with a loved one……Could it be them?? Sure, However, as I said Validation is required. And it only takes a minute. As far as the cold???????? I’m just not sure about that because they are energy so they are warm..Not cold. Definately something to ponder.
Hope this helps.
Hi, I just came across your page on the internet. I have something really weird a video/picture I’d like to get your opinion on. Is there a place I can post it for you to see?
Go can send it to my email at sydneyshermanauthor@yahoo.com OR
to FB messenger: Sydney sherman author.
Hi Sydney, I lost my eldest son Michael on 10/27/20 and my only daughter on 5/14/21. Needless to say I am heartbroken and feel as if my life to has ended. I don’t know how to continue living without them except I have one other son Nicholas. I look towards any resources that help me to know they are together and ok. Please help me